About the treatment
Greeva basti is a soothing and effective therapy for addressing problems of the spine, muscles and skeletal tissues in the neck and shoulder areas. This treatment works well not just for physical but emotional blockages, especially if we carry the weight of the world within us. Tension is an emotional response and patterns of chronic stress lead to chronic tension which must be released in order to create space, freedom and balance in the body and mind.
The natural oils for this treatment are specifically chosen according to the condition and are maintained at a particular temperature. A dough dam is created to hold a pool of the oil for a set length of time as its warmth and pressure deeply penetrates and is absorbed through the skin to muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments and connective tissues. Gentle manipulation of the subtle marma (vital energy points) enhances its healing impact. This procedure is then followed by a little, light massage of the surrounding area enhancing circulation and allowing ease of movement.
This therapy is recommended as a course alongside dietary and lifestyle suggestions.
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The Basti’ can be roughly translated as ‘something inside’ or ‘something which holds.’ It is a term used to describe the urinary bladder in ayurveda, a compartment or container which holds or pools something for a period of time.
There are two types of basti therapies in ayurveda. The first is internal enema therapy which is given as a part of Ayurvedic Panchakarma. The second is external. This therapy is external.
There are several types of external basti to include:
• Kati basti – lower back treatment
• Greeva basti – around the area of neck/between shoulder blades
• Janu basti – around knee area
• Kurpara basti – around the elbow
• Hridaya basti – around heart marma point
• Nabhi basti – around navel region
• Shirobasti – head region
• Chakra basti – around each chakra of the body
• Netra basti – around the eye area
Greeva basti has many benefits to include:
o Relaxing spasms
o Reducing pain, stiffness and increasing flexibility
o Lubricating joints and softening rigidity
o Enhancing blood supply to the area
o Promoting cellular memory of the muscle
o Soothing nerves
o Promoting better circulation by removing stagnant toxins for the area
Greeva basti is recommended for many disorders including:
o Neck, shoulder and upper back problems
o Frozen shoulder
o Cervical nerve conditions
o Stress related conditions
o Headaches and migraines
o Insomnia
o Vertigo
o Tinnitus
o Blocked energy between shoulder blades
Greeva basti is not recommended under the following conditions:
• Low digestive fire (agni) or excessive toxins (ama)
• During pregnancy
• Whilst breastfeeding
• Acute fever, chest or sinus congestion
• Open or bleeding wounds, healing scars or burns
• Local swelling or redness
• Active headache or migraine
• Less than 8 weeks after surgery to local area